In I Am Princess X by Cherie Priest, Libby and May are two best friends living in the city of Seattle. The two friends spent hours together creating stories about the character they made together, Princess X, a katana-wielding princess who lived in the land of Silverdale, slaying evil. May would write the stories, and Libby would draw them. And for a long time, it felt as if nothing could ever change. But things do change, and they change for the worse when Libby and her mom die when their car accidentally drives off a bridge, killing Libby, and May's dream of continuing Princess X's story.
Years later, May still struggles on getting over Libby's death, but that all changes when May begins to see everywhere she goes. But no one knows of Princess X but May and Libby, Could Libby still be alive? In May's search for the truth, she discovers the Princess X webcomic that emerged has disturbingly similar connections to places in Seattle and May and Libby's childhood memories together. Sent on a search to see where the webcomic is trying to lead her, May is assisted by dropout IT worker Patrick, but the pair learn that everyone is a threat in the search for Libby, that is far more dangerous that May thought.
My thoughts

I have read I Am Princess X millions of times, and each time is just as suspenseful as the first. Princess X is not a fantasy or sci-fi book, but it's one of my favorites.
It takes place in my hometown of Seattle, so it was a fun time reading the book and saying "Hey, I've been there!" With most mystery books I read, I always get really excited when the main characters begin putting the pieces of the mystery together and finding the truth. I Am Princess X does not let me down in that aspect, as the ending is extremely suspenseful and awesome.
The "webcomic" part of the book is wonderfully illustrated. Kali Ciesemier truly overdid herself as every illustration is beautiful and is what I aspire to draw like. The webcomic part itself is a cool layer of depth that adds to the book. How the main characters figure out the clues hidden within it is a pretty cool way to hide clues and push the plot forward.
All together, I Am Princess X deserves a 9/10!